This enormous, lavish bouquet of roses is for special moments, pomp and circumstance.
We use the most beautiful roses in all available colours and decorate them subtly with greenery. Vase included.
● The bouquet is accompanied by a wonderful wine (or vice versa), the brilliant Pontet-Canet 2020, a top vintage that does perfect justice to the superb location of this château right next to Mouton-Rothschild. This is pure Pauillac: dense, concentrated dark fruit and exciting notes of terroir, tobacco and leather. Noblesse combines with a touch of natural rusticity. A masculine wine that will also appeal to women. Pioneer in the Médoc for a consistent realisation of the ideas of biodynamics.
● Officially storable for 30 years, very probably much longer (lying in the dark, 12 to 14°C, relative humidity ideally 70%, but not higher than 80% and not below 50%). 75cl. Contains alcohol.
● We only have a few bottles of this oenological delight in stock and store them under ideal conditions in our cellar.
Why is this top wine Cinquième Cru?
The classification of Château Pontet-Canet as Cinquième Cru (Fifth Class) in the official Bordeaux classification system of 1855 is historical. This classification system was created for the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1855 at the request of Emperor Napoleon III in order to showcase the best wines of Bordeaux. The wines were classified primarily on the basis of market price and reputation at the time.
Château Pontet-Canet, located in Pauillac, was classified as Cinquième Cru due to its prices and reputation at the time. The classification has not changed since 1855, although the quality of many estates, including Pontet-Canet, has improved significantly. Pontet-Canet has made significant investments in quality and sustainable winemaking in recent decades, which has led to a higher recognition and rating of its wines.
However, the original classification remains, as the system is very rarely updated and remains largely unchanged to maintain historical continuity. The current reputation of Pontet-Canet is equivalent to a Premier Cru.
Info 5e cru
from CHF |
360 |
to |
600 |
picture |
360 |
Euro |
382 |
636 |
382 |
US$ |
398 |
662 |
397 |